3B/2BA Available Soon

If you are looking for something more than an apartment, then the Gohn Mobile Home Park might be right for you. With seven different mobile homes that are each a respectable size, these units are great for those who need some extra space. Close to the Three Springs. The Gohn Mobile Home Park is only a few minute drive from stores like Home Depot and Walmart as well as the many small businesses in Three Springs. Combining a rural setting with urban convenience, these mobile homes are perfect for anyone who wants a nice, but affordable living space.
3B/2BA Coming Soon

View of typical home when available. Click Here to tour this home (virtual tour was made during remodeling)

Property Information
Types of Units: Mobile Homes
Address: 28146 Hwy 160, Durango, CO 81301
Location: 5 Miles From Town
Pets: 2 Pets
Laundry: Off Site or Private
Parking: Private
Email: DurangoApts@gmail.com